台灣新聞通訊社-紐時賞析/從美被送到巴拿馬叢林 百餘名移民被關押前途未卜


Locked in a Jungle Camp, Migrants Deported to Panama Face Uncertain Future

從美被送到巴拿馬叢林 移民前途未卜

The camp lies four hours from Panama’s capital, down a bumpy, often desolate highway, at the edge of a treacherous jungle called the Darién.


For more than a week, it has held more than 100 asylum-seekers from around the world. Surrounded by fences and armed guards, they sleep on cots or hard benches.


Journalists have been barred, lawyers say they have been blocked from speaking to their clients and it is the government in charge — not the international aid groups Panamanian officials say are the ones organizing the operation.


The migrants are among several hundred people who arrived in recent weeks at the U.S. southern border, hoping to seek asylum in the United States, and were swiftly deported to Central America.


They have since become test cases in the Trump administration’s effort to send some of its most challenging-to-deport people to other countries. Of the roughly 300 people sent to Panama, more than half have agreed to be repatriated, according to President Jose Raúl Mulino.


An additional 112 have said that it is too dangerous for them to go home or that they lack documentation allowing them to do so. Now they are at the camp by the jungle with no sense of how long they will be held or where they may be sent next.


Though their numbers are small, their cases point to the tension between the Trump administration’s aims of expelling vast numbers of migrants and the limits of Latin American countries working to facilitate those ambitions — under enormous pressure from President Donald Trump.


Panama, like the United States, cannot easily deport people to places like Afghanistan and Iran, often because those countries refuse to take back their citizens.


A few people inside the camp still have access to cellphones and have been able to communicate with The New York Times.


“We told them: You are treating us like prisoners,” said Sahar Bidman, 33, a mother of two from Iran. “When I want to take my children to the shower, they escort us.”


As Panamanian officials struggle to figure out what to do with this group, they have faced growing criticism from lawyers and human rights activists.


Mulino told reporters that the migrants at the camp, called San Vicente, were awaiting documentation, which some lacked and would need to travel. He did not explain how the government planned to deport people, or say if it would offer people asylum in Panama or facilitate passage to a different country willing to take them.


Asked why the detainees had not been allowed to speak to lawyers, he answered: “I don’t know.”


文/Julie Turkewitz, Farnaz Fassihi and Annie Correal 譯/羅方妤




康拉德((Joseph Conrad)在小說”The Mirror of the Sea”(如鏡的大海)描述船舶受困各有原因且都講得通:And there are justifiable strandings in fogs, on uncharted seas, on dangerous shores, through treacherous tides.大海表面如鏡,水波不興,海面下暗潮洶湧。形容人,是不可靠、會背叛的:a treacherous ally/enemy.

Asylum起初是身心科醫院(a mental hospital),特別是長期療養。後來指庇護,為不可數名詞,最常見的是political asylum, 尋求(獲得)庇護可用apply for/seek/be granted asylum.被安置在叢林營區的民眾前途茫茫,連巴拿馬總統都只能走一步算一步,別讓川普不開心。

2025/03/11 07:47
