台灣新聞通訊社-紐時賞析/無法入侵系統就散播假訊息 美下月恐面臨俄羅斯駭客威脅


Unable to Penetrate Systems, Hackers Spread Lies About Vulnerabilities

無法穿透系統防護 駭客謊稱網路不安全

Hackers trying to disrupt the Paris Olympics turned to disinformation campaigns when their electronic intrusions failed, a tactic that foreign adversaries could attempt to use against the U.S. elections next month.


Cybersecurity officials in France spent more than two years preparing for this summer’s Games. While there were constant cyberattacks from a variety of sources, none disrupted the Olympics, Vincent Strubel, the head of France’s cybersecurity agency, said.


Strubel said one activist hacking group, the Cyber Army of Russia Reborn, claimed that it would attack the water sanitation system in Paris to disrupt the swimming competitions in the Seine.


“We had to make sure that the attack could not happen from a technical side and then make sure they did not effectively make a fake claim,” Strubel said.


U.S. officials believe the Cyber Army poses a threat in the United States. In July, the State Department imposed sanctions against two members of the group, accusing them of attacking critical infrastructure in the United States. The department said Russia provided a safe haven for such groups to disrupt American systems.


While the Russian group’s “lack of sophistication and victims’ responses have thus far prevented any instances of major damage,” the State Department said, “unauthorized access to critical infrastructure systems poses an elevated risk of harm to the public.”


When hackers failed to penetrate critical systems in France, they sought to strike less-protected systems. Strubel said there was a “close call” involving a ransomware attack on a group supporting a museum where fencing events were held. But French authorities responded quickly, preventing any interruption of the competition, he said.


The United States could face similar challenges next month from Russian influence groups, intelligence agencies and activist hackers.


U.S. officials have said they have spent years shoring up voting systems to make it difficult to hack into state or local governments to change vote totals. U.S. intelligence officials assess that the resilience of the system, and its hyperlocal nature, has convinced foreign adversaries that changing the results through hacking election systems is all but impossible.


But some foreign governments still believe they can influence what Americans think about the security of the election and could spread false claims about the ability to hack the election.


文/Julian E. Barnes 譯/周辰陽

2024/10/23 07:41
