台灣新聞通訊社-紐時賞析/俄烏戰爭進入終局?烏接連失去東部城市 指揮官駁:是消耗戰


Ukraine’s Donbas Strategy: Retreat and Maximize Russia’s Losses

烏克蘭在頓巴斯採拖字訣 讓俄軍傷亡最大化

Throughout the year, Ukraine has lost a series of cities, towns and villages in its eastern Donbas region to Russia, typically withdrawing its troops after hard-fought battles that sometimes lasted for months.


Marinka was the first to fall, a sign in January that Russia had regained momentum on the battlefield. Then came Avdiivka, an industrial city where Ukrainian soldiers had hunkered down in a dense maze of trenches and bunkers. Finally, this past week, Ukraine retreated from Vuhledar, a mining town perched on high ground that was a linchpin of Ukrainian defenses in the southeast.


To outside observers, Ukraine’s slow but steady retreat from the Donbas region, the main theater of the war today, may seem to signal the beginning of the endgame, with Russia firmly gaining the upper hand on the battlefield, leveraging its overwhelming advantage in manpower and firepower.


But Ukrainian commanders and military experts dispute that, saying that a more crucial fight is unfolding in the region that goes beyond simple territorial gains and losses. It is now a war of attrition, they say, with each side trying to exhaust the other by inflicting maximum losses, hoping to break the enemy’s capacity and will to continue the war.


Ukraine, a country that is a fraction of the size of Russia and with about a third of the population, is at an inherent disadvantage. It has fewer men to send to the front and despite an influx of Western military aid remains largely outgunned on the battlefield. That has left Ukraine with little choice but to retreat from towns under attack after exacting the highest price it can on manpower and materiel.


With Russia so far proving capable of absorbing its losses by recruiting more soldiers and ramping up arms production, it remains unclear how much territory Ukraine will have to give up before the Russian army runs out of steam — if it ever does.


Ukraine ultimately hopes that Russia’s mounting losses will make the war unsustainable for the Kremlin before it becomes so for Ukraine.


But how realistic is this strategy? President Vladimir Putin of Russia has put his country’s economy on war footing and has shown no sign that he is prepared to quit the fight.  


文/Constant Méheut 譯/羅方妤



報導中的theater不是一般所認知的戲院,而是「戰區」,簡稱TMD的戰區飛彈防禦系統英文全名是Theater Missile Defense System.

動詞片語hunker down的具象說法是深蹲,引申為長期躲藏在某個地方,因應艱困狀態,避避風頭的意味:Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.

烏俄戰事無論是人力(manpower)或火力(firepower),俄國都是優勢的一方(gain/get/have the upper hand),也有比喻的用法:The infection was gaining the upper hand [=was becoming worse] and the patient’s condition was deteriorating.

源自棋賽的endgame指的是殘局(終局),在新聞英文常描述戰役或爭議的最後階段:The political endgame is getting closer.

以《等待果陀》聞名於世的荒謬劇泰斗貝克特(Samuel Beckett),另一代表作的劇名即為Endgame。

2024/10/22 07:42
