台灣新聞通訊社-紐時賞析/美大選進入最危險時期 官員示警:外國勢力威脅增加


Crunch Time for Election Interference: October Is the Month of Mischief


Federal officials battling foreign interference in the coming election say they are entering what may be the most perilous period of the campaign: October, when the prospect for mischief runs high and the time to react runs short.


While the Russians make little attempt to hide their support for former President Donald Trump, the Iranians — among Russia’s most important suppliers in the war in Ukraine — desperately want to stop him from returning to office, and are busy hacking into his campaign and dumping whatever they find, as well as plotting to assassinate him. The Justice Department has announced the indictment of an Iranian hacking group closely associated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard for the hack of the Trump campaign, along with efforts to attack the accounts of Washington journalists and others.


And China, once expected to be a major player in the election, seems uncertain which candidate it detests more. So, for now, Beijing is focusing on local races, conducting influence operations that have the potential to undermine public faith in the basic democratic process.


That has been the essence of a series of private intelligence briefings for election workers and members of Congress recently, as U.S. officials describe the stark, oftentimes confusing battlefield in which disinformation ramps up and the risk of cyberattacks is greatest.


At first glance, those briefings sound right out of the playbooks from 2016 and 2020. During one such meeting on Sept. 13, U.S. officials said Russia remained “the most active foreign influence threat” and other countries were flooding the internet with messages meant to “stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process.”


But as the briefing went on it was clear that what may unfold in the next month and a half includes some new features that American election officials have never seen before.


“What is going to be happening in the next two months is going to be an onslaught,” said Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He said foreign powers “are getting more active, more aggressive.”


文/David E. Sanger and Julian E. Barnes 譯/羅方妤



知名詩人艾略特(T. S. Eliot)的《荒原》(The Waste Land)以April is the cruellest month開頭,已經是家喻戶曉的名句。

對於每4年的11月選舉總統的美國來說,10月更讓人忐忑不安,擔心對手出奧步或其他操之在人的事件發生,選情瞬間豬羊變色,因此有October surprise的講法。

美國是全球第一強國,大概也是最常抱怨境外勢力介入(foreign interference)選舉的國家。Mischief原指兒童的搗蛋、惡作劇,在本文宜解為「危害」,是來搞破壞的,為不可數名詞:criminal/malicious mischief.


Detest是非常討厭,跟loathe都是更正式的用法,強過hate,都不能用進行式。Hate也很少用進行式,口語例外:I’m hating every minute of this film.

2024/10/15 07:41
